R.E. Program
Thank you for your interest in the 2024-2025 Religious Education Program. There are a
few changes to our program this year. Please note the following:
● Our Kindergarten through 7th grade classes will meet on Wednesday nights from 5:30 - 7:00.
● We will be offering a Kindergarten class this year, this class will end at 6:30, with an option for parents to join their student from 6:30 -7:00 for an activity until the other classes let out.
● Our 8th and 9th grade classes will meet on Sundays starting at 10:00 for mass and ending at 12:00.
● Our Sacraments classes are two year classes. In order to receive either first communion or confirmation you must attend our program for one year before receiving the sacrament.
● Fees this year will be as follows:
○ Registration is due August 15th, if you submit your registration before
August 15th the fees will be:
■ $90 for one child
■ $115 for two children
■ $140 for three or more children
○ Late registration will be accepted until October 4th, if you submit your registration late the fees will be:
■ $100 for one child
■ $125 for two children
■ $150 for three or more children
○ Fees can be paid with cash or check and should be paid by November 1st.
Shari Kagan and Chris Murphy will be leading our program this year. They can be reached at re@sacredheartmarengo.org or during their office hours Tuesdays from 4:30 - 7:30pm.
If you have any questions, please reach out via email or you may call the parish office. We look forward to another wonderful year with the youth of our parish.
Shari & Chris