RE Calendar K - 7th Grade

Sacred Heart Religious Education
2023-2024 Calendar ** Tentative**
Kindergarten - 7th grade

9th - Parent Meeting at 6:00
11th - Class at 5:30
15th - Catechetical Sunday
18th - Class at 5:30 - opening mass at 6:00
25th - Class at 5:30

2nd - Class at 5:30
9th - Class at 5:30
16th - Class at 5:30
23rd - Class at 5:30
30th - Class at 5:30

6th - Class at 5:30
13th - Class at 5:30
20th - Class at 5:30
27th - NO class - Have a Blessed Thanksgiving!

12/1 - first Sunday of Advent
4th - Class at 5:30
11th - Class at 5:30
18th - Class at 5:30 - Advent Mass at 6:00
25th - No class - Merry Christmas!


1st - No class - Happy New Year!
8th - Catechist Meeting at 6:00
11th - First Reconciliation at 10:00
15th - Class at 5:30
22nd - Class at 5:30
29th - Class at 5:30

5th - Class at 5:30
12th - Class at 5:30
19th - Class at 5:30
26th - Class at 5:30

5th - Ash Wednesday Mass (no class)
12th - Class at 5:30
19th - Class at 5:30
26th - No Class - Spring Break

2nd - Class at 5:30
9th - Class at 5:30
16th - Class at 5:30 - Holy Week - Stations of the Cross
23rd - Class at 5:30
30th - Class at 5:30

2nd - First Communion Rehearsal
3rd - First Communion at 10:00
3rd & 4th - May Crowning at all masses
7th - Class at 5:30 - Closing Mass