Sacred Heart Parish is a family of Christian believers united to proclaim the Good News of Salvation. As a Pilgrim People, we worship, we love, we serve and we socialize together, striving to further God’s Kingdom on earth.
This retreat is to be a day of self-care for women survivors of sexual assault and or domestic
violence. We will pray together, learn about how our bodies deal with the trauma within.
The world's largest men's service organization. Through charity and example, the K of C stands in service to all as witnesses to Jesus and the Good News of the Gospel.
If you are a practical Catholic age 18 or older and interested in joining the Knights of Columbus Council 13476 you can attend our social meeting held the 2nd Tuesday every month at 7:00 PM in the Parish Hall.
Join us in the parish hall on Saturday February 8th from 9:30AM - 4PM. This retreat is to be a day of self-care for women survivors of sexual assault and or domestic
violence. We will pray together, learn about how our bodies deal with the trauma within, share
a delicious home cooked meal, learn and practice some coping strategies and provide resources
for continued support.
Trauma is not what happened to you it is the wound inside you as a result of what happened to
Click the link above to register